
30 Days: Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

30 Days book cover

Book Highlights

Title: 30 Days: Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

Author: Marc Reklau

Genre: Self-Help

Pages: 232 Pages

Difficulty Level:  Easy

30 Days Change Your Habits Change Your Life: Book Review

Are you looking for new ideas to make your days even better? Or are you so swamped or filled with many tasks that your productivity has taken a hit?

 I have a perfect recommendation for you: 30 Days Change Your Habits Change Your Life.
This book contains ideas to improve your productivity, and you can implement them in your daily life and see great results.
There are diversified topics, some very common, but many are amazing to read.

 These topics range from finding your inner values, learning new habits, and managing your external environment according to your wish.

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The title 30 Days Change Your Habits Change Your Life can be slightly misleading as the book does not contain rules divided over 30 days, as the title might suggest.

The good thing about this book is the ideas and suggestions are practical. You would not find any idea taking too much of your energy and resources to do. Not focusing on each topic in-depth allows the author to cover diverse topics easily.
To learn about any topic, you can always look for more resources and book suggestions to gain better insights.

30 Days Change Your Habits Change Your Life is an effort to get the brain running. This book serves the purpose of inserting a seed in your mind, and now it is up to you how you nourish it and take care of it.

30 Days Change Your Habits Change Your Life: Book Summary

  1. Make your tomorrow better by aligning your day with your long term goals.
  2. Better habits can help you make your day better.
  3. Being aware about your goals regularly can help you achieve great things in life.

Who Should Read It?

Anyone looking for new ideas to make their day better can pick up this book. There are many wonderful ideas that can create your day better.

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30 Days Change Your Habits Change Your Life: Top Quotes

  • Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.
  • If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.
  • We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

30 Days Change Your Habits Change Your Life Notes

1) Take full responsibility of your life

  • Your future is decided by your present actions. If you are facing some problems, it is not because of some external influences but the fault of your own. Acting like a victim and shying away from responsibility leads you into a trap and causes your failure.

    Stop reacting to others and start responding. Reaction is automatic. Responding is consciously choosing your response.

2) Choose your thoughts

Your thought are the source of your actions. The better the thoughts, the higher is the capacity to think better and act better.

Positive thinking is to see the reality as it is, accept it, and make the best of it.

3) Have Patience and never give up

Failures are the part of the journey. You will not always get the results you anticipated. Many times it takes time for you to reap the rewards, if you stop the process you would never be able to achieve it.

When you encounter obstacles, have patience. When things are not happening, have patience.

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4) New Habits, New Life

New habits have the power to change your life drastically.

Find the habits that can help you achieve more success, become more productive and help you do difficult things more often.


  • Start reading more books
  • Listen to audio books
  • Meet up with new people
  • Go to seminars
  • Wake up early

5) Write down your goals

Writing down the goals you want to achieve in next 3, 6, 12 months period.

Layout the plan of what needs to be done in order to achieve them.

Having such a plan will help you do more task and get a step closer to your goals.

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6) Avoid Energy Robbers

Stop doing or exposing yourself to things that rob you from your energy. Such as unhealthy eating, drinking, drugs, lack of exercise, even people that you feel suck your energy.

Eliminate all distractions and spend time doing the things shaping your future.

7) Get Up Early

You can earn extra 1-2 hours by getting up early. This time can be used to do your high value work or set plan for the day and even spend time exercising.

8) Face Your Fears

The fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.

Your fear is natural but remaining afraid from them and not tackling them creates furthermore problems one can anticipate. Develop the habit for finding the solution of fear and take one step at a time to tackle and erase it.

If you want to reach the new territories, you have to make some risks and continuously do things you are afraid of.

9) Speak Less, Listen More

Many people are not listening to understand but to answer.

Spend the time listening to other person and understand their perspective. People feel good when they realize that you are actually listening to them. And when you speak less, there are even fewer chances to speak something bad or wrong.

10) Design Your Ideal Day

What would you like your ideal life to be? What would you do if you had all the time and money in the world?

Write down exactly how would like your ideal life to be. Insert all things you would like to do. Things that excite you, make you live in the present and make you feel alive.

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11) Write In your Journal

Writing in your journal has been a world class method to develop clarity and better decisions. When your mind just speaks itself without the tension of anybody judging you, you get to be more honest and answer the questions truthfully.

There are some questions you can answer in your journal:

What am I grateful for?

Which three things have made me happy today?

Which three things did I do particularly well today?

How could I have made today even better?

What is the most important goal for tomorrow?

Suggested Readings

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