
The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

This is the cover image of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Book Highlights

Title: The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

Author: Stephen R. Covey

Genre: Self-Help

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Pages: 370 Pages

Difficulty Level: Very Easy

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People: Book Review

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey is one of the most popular books in the self-help domain. The book is a model for people to look up to when their lives look haywire. As you can guess as title suggests, it is based on 7 life-changing habits.

To summarize, the book provides a framework for effective living. The first 3 habits focus on your personal growth, while the next 3 focus on growth in public or being a team player. The final 7th habit is a lifestyle of commitment towards constant growth.

The book succeeds in making an impact on the reader; the words and vocabulary are easy, and the content is extremely example-driven to make it easy for the reader to grasp some of the most crucial concepts. While reading this book, you will discover about paradigm shifts and, towards the end, succeeds in making a paradigm shift in the reader’s life. Steven has quoted a lot of other writers as well in the book, including some fables as well, which help the reader understand a certain point from multiple perspectives. Moreover, the habits are arranged in a certain order that one cannot deny following. The habits are interdependent, and one needs to inculcate the previous habit to effectively move towards the next. The interdependence of these habits makes the book feel really well connected, as there are multiple callbacks to points in the previous chapters.

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I found the explanation of “why” extremely detailed, which sometimes can disinterests the reader if they’ve already understood something 5 paragraphs ago. But in the view of the large audience that this book obviously panders to, the extreme levels of detail and emphasis on making multiple examples and quotations make sure that everyone gets served. For me, the only times I got disinterested in the book were when I understood a concept but the book had four more examples to explain it. But it makes sure that no stones are left unturned. Steven has tried to answer all questions before the reader asks them.

Most self-help books are very theoretical in their concepts, but I felt that this book is as practical as it gets. It is clearly mentioned by Steven in multiple events that even he struggles to maintain the 7 habits and makes mistakes, which humanizes the book and gives a better understanding of how the goal is not to be perfect but to tend to perfection. In the negatives, you will find that the book has areas where a person might get bored and impatient for multiple reasons, like they already have a habit, or they’ve understood something but the book won’t move on. For me, it was habit 2 that was the most difficult to read through. I would suggest not skipping anything, even if you’re disinterested because the book is so well connected that you don’t want to miss a good callback in the future chapters.

I would suggest reading and trying to inculcate the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People because the book succeeds in motivating you to become a better version of yourself!

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