
The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant

This is the cover image for The Almanack of Naval Ravikant.

Book Highlights

Title: The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant

Author: Eric Jorgenson

Genre: Self-Help

Publisher: Magrathea Publishing

Pages: 224 Pages

Difficulty Level:  Easy

The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant: Book Review

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant is a collection of ideas and thought processes taken from varied sources of the famous Naval Ravikant and compiled into one book by Eric Jorgenson.

Naval Ravikant is a famous personality in Silicon Valley, famous for his technological endeavors and startups.
Seeing the values and principles behind the success of Naval Ravikant, his friend Eric made a beautiful book,” The Almanack of Naval Ravikant.”

The book itself is like a Pandora’s Box, one amazing thing after another. You will find mainly two topics in this book, but each is so diverse that you need to notch up your attention level and carefully digest the knowledge.

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The best thing about The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant is that the book does not bore you with a step-by-step procedure for achieving any goal. But instead, it provides you with themes and influential aspects in life which would benefit you in the long run, and then you are on your own.
It’s like leading someone up to a maze and telling them the necessary things to get out of it. The knowledge and the thrill you will find going through it is no substitute for any step-by-step procedure.

Real growth lies in the experiences firsthand, and that is what the entire message of The Alamanack Of Naval Raviakant is all about.
I am sure you’ll be impressed by this remarkable book as much I was because the quality of guidelines laid out in this book is hardly seen anymore.
You will learn new methods that you can constantly use to upgrade yourself and become a more polished and efficient individual.

The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant: Book Summary

  1. Building wealth is a skill set that everybody can learn.
  2. Spend time in polishing yourself and creating the best value product.
  3. Build a good network of people from whom you can learn better and more efficiently.

Who Should Read It?

The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant is a general self-help book. Everyone who intends to find some answers for a positive future should be the one reading this book.

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The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant: Top Quotes

  • If you have nothing in your life, but you have at least one person that loves you unconditionally, it’ll do wonders for your self-esteem.
  • Earn with your mind, not your time.
  • Escape competition through authenticity.

The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant Notes

1. Building Wealth 💰

  • Earning more is a skillset, anyone can develop.
  • Seek wealth. Wealth is having asset that earn while you sleep.
  • You are not going to get rich, renting out time.
  • You’ll get rich by giving society what it wants.
  • Play iterated games. All the returns in life, whether in wealth, relationships or knowledge comes from compound interest.
  • Build credibility so that people trust you.
  • Take risks and look out for people with you.
  • If you do not have equity, your odds of making money are very slim.
  • Business allows to generate wealth exponentially.
  • In business, earning is not tied up with time.
  • Value your time at an hourly rate, and do the work that satisfy your rate.
  • You will never be worth more than you think you’re worth.
  • Outsource task not worthy of your time and focus on important stuff.
  • Free up time to answer important things in life. Make the decision with clear head and logging the pros and cons.
  • Hardworking people have great outcomes. Just be patient.
  • If you’re counting time spent to check your patience, it will probably run out.

2. Building Judgement 🤝

  • Make yourself more educated, informed to get to a point where you know that your odds of winning are better.
  • Experience increases your capacity of better judgement.
  • The really smart thinkers are clear thinkers. They understand things at a very fundamental level.
  • Keep your foundations solid.
  • Work on understanding in depth, superficial knowledge hardly provides advantage. The better the understandings, more easily you’re able to use it for your own advantage.
  • Identity/ Ego prevents you from looking at the reality.
  • You expect something to be like you desired but it is completely opposite.
  • Pick one thing. Cultivate a desire. Visualise it.
  • Plan a sustainable path.
  • Identify needs, triggers and substitutes.
  • Tell your friends.
  • Track meticulously.
  • Self-discipline is a bridge to a new self-image.
  • Bake in the new self-image. It’s who you are now.


  • Diet: Take a proper care of your body by carefully planning an efficient diet.
  • Exercise: Make it a habit to exercise daily.
  • Meditation: Meditation is a great way of balancing your mind and taking proper care.
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