
The Magic Of Thinking Big

The magic of thinking big book cover

Book Highlights

Title: The Magic Of Thinking Big

Author: David Schwartz

Genre: Self-Help

Publisher: Pocket Books

Pages: 337 Pages

Difficulty Level:  Easy

The Magic Of Thinking Big: Book Review

The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz is an incredible self-help book conceived to ignite the inner spark and boost the thought process. The book focuses on building confidence alongside creating the habit of self-introspection to weed out the errors and faults in one’s life, which are among the crucial elements for growth and success.

The Magic of Thinking Big introduces you with some of the finest qualities of elite personalities and help you find the guidance to impart them in your daily life. I enjoyed the inclusion of this section, as they are always a source of motivation.
When you read self-help books of such kind, you will find that distinct individual uses different techniques when it comes to any one habit or quality. It enables the readers to experiment with many ideas and use them according to their preferences.

Some of these qualities include building the right relationships, standing up for correct values, and how to think in times of adversity. There are many important sections in The Magic of Thinking Big to learn about such qualities which you wouldn’t want to miss.


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If you never acknowledged the power of your thought process and the things you can do, you will realize them after reading The Magic of Thinking Big.
Upon reading The Magic of Thinking Big, you will find that this book is loaded with unique moments and research proving the effects of better thought processes and how, as an individual, you can achieve them. You will learn the guidelines to boost confidence and build a distinctive identity.

One of the important experience gained from the book is viewing the world with new set of eyes. Alongside, polishing our environment for better chances of success and enabling our mind for sharp and better thinking.

I am sure you will learn how to modify your thought processes so that it works in your favor and you can realize the goals you have decided for yourself. The Magic of Thinking Big will work wonders, especially for people high up the corporate ladder or venturing into business for themselves. But that is not all some of the chapters in this book are universally applicable for individuals like you and me to break the mental barriers and fulfill things we are supposed to.

The Magic Of Thinking Big: Book Summary

  1. Mind is a wonderful tool, if you learn to use it for yourself.
  2. The habit of big thinking correlates with the amazing success you achieve.
  3. Setbacks are part of life. Your destination depends how you face such setbacks.

Who Should Read It?

This book is good for people in high ranks and entrepreneurs but most of the ideas are also applicable for the general public.

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The Magic Of Thinking Big: Top Quotes

  • There is nothing either good or bad except that thinking makes it so.
  • A person is a product of his own thoughts.

The Magic Of Thinking Big Notes

1. Believe You Can Succeed and You Will

  • Strong belief allows your mind to think you can do it and then acts as a driving force of figuring out how to do.

Belief, strong belief, triggers the mind to figure ways and means and how-to. And believing you can succeed makes others place confidence in you.

    • When you begin to think that you can’t do it, you subconsciously programme your brain of not doing the things that you actually require to succeed.
    • Never sell yourself short.

    How To Develop The Power Of Belief

    • Think positive about the outcome.
    • Set big goals and work towards it.
    • Treat Yourself as worthy and successful to fulfil the task.

2. Cure Yourself of Excusitis, The Father Disease

  • Excuses are first used as an alibi to cover your failures but the more you use it, the more convinced you become subconsciously that you really lack something and will not be able to overcome it.

Once the victim of this failure disease has' selected a "good" excuse, he sticks with it. Then he relies on the excuse to explain to himself and others why he is not going forward. At first the victim of excusitis knows his alibi is more or less a lie. But the more frequently he repeats it, the more convinced he becomes that it is completely true, that the alibi is the real reason for his not being the success he should be.

  • Major excuses:
    • Bad Health
    • Less Age
    • Low Intelligence
    • Bad Luck

3. Build Confidence and Destroy Fear

  • Isolate your fear. Pin it down. Determine exactly what you are afraid of.
  • Then take action. There is some kind of action for any kind of fear.
  • Do not do anything that does not obey your identity.
  • How To Build Confidence:
    • Be a front seater.
    • Practise making eye contact
    • Practise speaking up
    • Smile big
    • Walk 25 percent faster

4. How To Think Big

  • Use positive language that promote a positive thinking in your mind.
  • Look at things not as they are, but what they can be. Develop habit of creative visualisation to what can be done and to see the possibilities.
  • Invest time in wondering on how can you add more values to thing around you.
  • Do not spend time on small unnecessary thoughts. Focus on the big things in life.

5. How to think and Dream Creatively

  • What is Creative Thinking?

    • A low-income family devises a plan to send their son to a leading university. That’s creative thinking.
    • A family turns the street’s most undesirable lot into the neighborhood beauty spot. That’s creative thinking.
    • A minister develops a plan that doubles his Sunday evening attendance. That’s creative thinking.
    • Figuring out ways to simplify record keeping, selling the “impossible” customer, keeping the children occupied constructively, making employees really like their work, or preventing a “certain” quarrel-all of these are examples of practical, everyday creative thinking.
  • How To Think Creatively?

    1. Believe it can be done. Do not bow down to traditional thinking that it has always been like that so why change?
    2. Take on added responsibility. When you have more work than others, you attempt to streamline your work thus doing more work in less time.
    3. Listen more to learn more. It helps you making better decisions and bigger progress.
    4. Work with other people and listen to their thoughts. Listen to ideas that are outside your usual interest zones. Stretch your comfort zone.

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6. You Are What You Think You Are

  • Build confidence by giving yourself much needed attention and importance. The way you feel about yourself will manifest the similar thoughts inside your brain.
  • In job, think your job as in important part and you’ll act accordingly but if you consider it just menial job, you will not have much development in your work.
  • Practise uplifting self-praise.

7. Manage Your Environment

  • Your mind is shaped according to the environment you live.
  • Limit your interaction with pessimists and the people who laugh on your idea labelling them as impossible.
  • Seek advice from people who are where you want to go. Connect in new groups.
  • Reduce participation in gossips near you.

8. Make Your Attitudes Your Allies

  • Develop the attitude of wanting to learn more and spreading more information.
  • Get excited first, in order to learn something and then to spreading that information with same excitement.

Life up your talk. Dr. James F. Bender, the noted speech authoritY. in his excellent book How to Talk Well, says, Is your 'Good morning!' really good? Are your 'Congratulations!' enthusiastic? Does your 'How are you?'· sound interested? When you make a habit of coloring your words with sincere feelings you'll notice a great uptake in your ability to hold attention.

  • Give yourself regular pep talk to keep yourself motivated and excited.
  • When you help others feel important, you help yourself feel important too.

Practice appreciation with honest, personalized compliments. People thrive on compliments-whether two or twenty, nine or ninety, a person craves praise.

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9. Think Right Towards People

  • Speak with the positive and excited tones with others.
  • Try to build genuine friendship instead of a trade-off relationship.

Life up your talk. Dr. James F. Bender, the noted speech authoritY. in his excellent book How to Talk Well, says, Is your 'Good morning!' really good? Are your 'Congratulations!' enthusiastic? Does your 'How are you?'· sound interested? When you make a habit of coloring your words with sincere feelings you'll notice a great uptake in your ability to hold attention.

  1. Be a comfortable person so there is no strain in being with you. Be an old-shoe kind of individual.
  2. Learn to remember names. Inefficiency at this point may indicate that your interest is not sufficiently outgoing.
  3. Acquire the quality of relaxed easy-going so that things do not ruffle you.
  4. Don’t be egotistical. Guard against the impression that you know it all.
  5. Cultivate the quality of being interesting so people will get something of value from their association with you.
  6. Study to get the “scratchy” elements out of your personality, even’those of which you may be unconscious.
  7. Sincerely attempt to heal, on an honest basis, every misunderstanding you have had or now have. Drain off your grievances.
  8. Practice liking people until you learn to do so genuinely.
  9. Never miss an opportunity to say a word of congratulation upon anyone’s achievement, or express sympathy in sorrow or disappointment.
  10. Give spiritual strength to people, and they will give genuine affection to you.

10. Get the action habit

  • Whenever a tasks show up, get in the habit of doing it then and there. Leaving a task for future rarely gets it done.

Excellent ideas are not enough. An only fair idea acted upon, and developed, is 100 percent better than a terrific idea that dies because it isn't followed up.

  1. Action feeds and strengthens confidence. Inaction in all forms feed fear.
  2. Be a person with initiative intent.

11. How to turn Defeat into Victory

  • Learn from the mistakes and understand how it can be improved.
  • Do not blame luck for your defeat.
  • Defeat is only a state of mind, and nothing more.
  • Take a break when stuck in some work and then try with a new approach.

12. Use Goals to Help You Grow

A goal is an objective, a purpose. A goal is more than a dream; it's a dream being acted upon. A goal is more than a hazy "Oh, I wish I could." A goal is a clear ''This is what I'm working toward."

  • Write down goals of what you want to achieve in 10 years.
  • Make it a detailed list so that you are aware of what you need to do.
  • Achieve your goals one by one.
  • Invest time in your self growth and knowledge.

13. How To Think Like A Leader

  • Trade minds with your people. Think whether they will like it, not whether you like it.
  • Practise praising people.

Praise your subordinates personally at every opportunity. Praise them for their cooperation. Praise them for every extra effort they put forth. Praise is the greatest single incentive you can give people, and it costs you nothing.

  • Think progress, believe in progress, push for progress.
  • Practice being in solitude to plan and think about yourself and your work.

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