
The Power Nap Formula for Busy People

Cover of Power Nap Formula

Book Highlights

Title: Power Nap Formula

Author: Bill Valandreas

Genre: Productivity

Pages: 71 Pages

Difficulty Level:  Easy

The Power Nap Formula for Busy People​: Book Review

Do you want to improve your productivity? I bet you do. In search of producing more valuable results and better work, I came across a very intriguing concept, the concept of Power Naps and how it can help us.
I came across the book The Power Nap Formula on Kindle and discovered the real benefits of this action.
It is a short read of about 71 pages on living a healthy lifestyle.
Reading such an impressive book, I was amazed and shocked to read the truth behind the power of a power nap. But on the same side, I wondered why people despise it so much.
The concept behind a power nap is to take a 20-30 min break between 1-3 pm to give yourself a moment to relax and recover from the weariness. Your Power Nap serves to improve your productivity in the latter half of the day so that you can achieve better results.

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I am a big fan of afternoon naps, and sometimes it gets stretched to a longer duration, but I can safely say that the relaxed and clear sense napping brings. It is a way to go.
The Power Nap Formula provides you with complete knowledge from basic to advance to understand and learn about the benefits of taking an effective power nap and learn various methods and tricks to help you sleep faster.
If you lead a hectic life, pausing in your day may improve your results and help you score better in whatever field you choose. You must carefully develop a system where your body gets enough rest regularly to perform at your best.
I can assure you the techniques are practical and easy to perform. You will learn how to install the suggestions according to your routine and how to get the most out of it. Like any other self-help book, you will find certain do’s and don’ts in this book to help you navigate towards better results.

The Power Nap Formula: Book Summary

  1. Boost your productivity and performance by taking an afternoon power nap.
  2. Lack of sleep can cause various heart related concerns. Understand your body’s sleep requirement.
  3. A 20-minute nap can reduce your mind’s stress and help you achieve more.

Who Should Read It?

People who live a hectic life and find less time for themselves. Using the strategies in this book can help them reduce their stress and live a healthier life.

Suggested Readings

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