
The Productivity Revolution

The Productivity Revolution book cover

Book Highlights

Title: The Productivity Revolution

Author: Marc Reklau

Genre: Self-Help

Pages: 166 Pages

Difficulty Level:  Easy

The Productivity Revolution: Book Review

Are you looking to gain more control of your time and your life? The Productivity Revolution by Marc Reklau is your answer to that.
The Productivity Revolution includes real-life anecdotes of many complications you face in your life that affect your work and goals.

The book is like a guide focussing on various problems and provides working recommendations to improve it. One thing to note is that each suggestion is not an in-depth suggestion to avoid information overload.
If you find the general information beneficial, search the internet for interesting topics or check our library section for some book recommendations.

I like how the author has tried to talk about many concepts, such as setting up the priority and how to deal with procrastination efficiently.

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In The Productivity Revolution, you’ll also find some author’s recommendations. According to him, these recommendations have benefited him greatly. And if you want, you can follow them.
One thing I felt while reading this book was that you could read this book a couple of times if you are only beginning to re-align your lifestyle or you want to develop a reading habit.

But I do not feel that this is such a book you would want to come back to again and again.
This book is like a guide and should be used like that only. Find the things you can immediately apply in your life, work over them, and gradually try to improve them. You need not have 100s of suggestions to improve your life. Focus on a few to create a domino effect. And slowly, it will change your entire habits and routine.

The Productivity Revolution: Book Summary

  1. Learn the habit of writing down your goals and find out the reasons why you want to do that.
  2. Prioritize your important tasks and finish them before moving to less value and mundane tasks.
  3. Create a better routine by picking up better habits.

Who Should Read It?

This book is a general read. It can be read under an hour so, if you want to get the idea or suggestions of the different things you can work upon, this book is a great pick.

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The Productivity Revolution Notes:

The Basics:

  1. Self-Discipline and Commitment: Developing the habit of self-discipline takes time but if you train your muscles effectively, you can learn this over the course of time.
  2. Set Your Productivity Goals: People are in the habit of having vague goals. Develop better clarity of why you want to achieve certain goals and not the others. Why you do what you do?
  3. Plan and Schedule: Making a to-do list with each task assigned a deadline is the best way to move forward. The deadline keeps you going and you get to finish your tasks on time.
    1. Create Daily Schedule
    2. Yearly Planning
    3. Monthly Planning
    4. Review
  4. Prioritize: Choose the tasks that delivers the most value and do it without getting distracted.
  5. Focus: Doing the task with high efficiency requires undisturbed focus. Keep aside your gadgets and complete the tasks with the lest interruptions.

Productivity Habits:

  1. DO It Now!!: Every important task should be completed as and when scheduled. Time is a crucial asset and does not get returned back to you. If your tasks are high value tasks do them no matter the reason.
  2. Develop A Morning Ritual: To get more done, a great advice is to wake up in the morning. You can earn extra 1-2 hours everyday by getting up early. You can use this time to finish high value projects with least interruptions and get them done fast.
  3. Say No: Your tasks are crucial. Saying Yes to unimportant tasks simply means saying no to important and necessary tasks. Develop the habit of saying no more often so as to get back on your schedule and finish the tasks on time.
  4. Take Time Off: Spend time recharging and doing something fun. Balance in life is greatly rewarded. Recharge your batteries and come back with more energy and creative power.
  5. Take A Power Nap: A simple life altering advice. Adding Power Nap to your routine works wonders but if you are stuck somewhere and need to start afresh, taking a power nap of 20-25 minutes can help you deliver your work.

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The Inner Game of Productivity:

Following are some crucial aspects you can always work on and get better answers:

    1. Getting to Know Yourself
    2. Believing more
    3. Visualizing Your Goals
    4. Focusing on your health
    5. Celebrating Your Wins
    6. Smile more often
    7. Watch Your Words

Suggested Readings

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