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5 Tips to Reduce Expenses

Do you feel that you must act to reduce expenses? Do you wonder where all your money goes even before the next month arrives? I have had the same problem wondering where all the money went, and so I decided to take some measures, so here are the 5- tips you can use to reduce expenses:

Tip #1: Create an Expense Account

A quick answer:

  • Create and Plan your bills in advance
  • Create an expense account
  • Evaluate your spending habit against your planned item every month

The first thing to do is estimate how much is required to run your house efficiently. It should not be accurate to the last cent. Instead, you should find a ballpark figure of how much it costs. Plan how much money to allocate to categories like food, clothes, utilities, and other requirements. I would recommend you add some buffer as well. The next step is to open up a dedicated wallet/bank account for all your necessities. 

There are many banks whose accounts you can easily open with a few clicks on your phone. So you need not go and stand in a queue inside a bank. In some of them, you can find a bill tracker, which can categorize how you spend your money. Make sure to use only this account wherever you are spending. You need to understand your spending habit to make corrections to it. So at the end of the month, you can comfortably evaluate how much you have followed your planning. Do not spend any extra money which you haven’t decided for. These all are temptations that you need to sideline.

Tip #2: Grow Your Own Ingredients

Growing your ingredients can be very helpful for many people if they really think about it. You can definitely save 10-20% of your grocery cost if you find time to grow them. I know not everyone can do this. Many people don’t have a garden or a flat roof to grow things, but those who do should try it.

I am not saying you could grow everything you consume, but some vegetables and spices do not take much space and can grow with little to no care.

Check out the following videos, and you will understand my point.

Yes, you will be spending time to maintain your ingredients, but it will be helpful if it can cut down your costs. Also, gardening has proven to be a relaxing activity, thus, could be mentally beneficial.

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Tip #3: Limiting Your Online Food Orders and Shopping

Do you order too much food online? Does your first response to hunger is clicking a few buttons and getting food delivered to your doorstep?
Well, this could empty your purse much faster than you think.
Your single order may cost you around 200-300 rupees, and considering the pattern for a week, you could easily spend 3-4K per week on online food. But if you compare the cost of buying the ingredients for the same meal, you can easily buy all under 600-700 rupees. Thus, you can save 2-3X the money. A few orders could easily cost you your week’s groceries.
Yes, ordering food online is easy, but that is the business model precisely. Either prioritize your convenience and pay upfront, or you get up and act by making your own meal.
Uninstall all the apps until you bring your budget in check or increase your earnings so you do not need to bother budgeting.

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Tip #4: Carry a Water Bottle Wherever You Go

Carrying a water bottle whenever you are outside is one of the least talked about methods to stop unwanted expenses. Once in a while, you will find a task to go out on the field and wander about the market. And this is quite obvious that you will be thirsty. Buying a water bottle at the store or a more popular option is Coke or Pepsi. It leads to unwanted expenses. It must have happened to you as well, you went in there to buy a can of Coke, but you ended up buying more things that you didn’t want but bought impulsively. These expenses make up a significant portion at the end of the month, so carry a bottle of water alongside you. It will keep you hydrated and also save quite a sum for you.

Tip #5: Stop paying for unwanted subscriptions

Subscription services have taken the world by storm in recent years, providing ease and access to various products and services at the push of a button. The subscription model has become famous for enterprises to commercialize their goods, from streaming platforms to beauty boxes, meal kits to software programs. While these services promise a hassle-free and cost-effective experience, the fact is that they may be draining our bank accounts without our knowledge.

The issue known as “subscription creep” is one of the primary causes of the financial burden imposed by subscription services. As we join up for more subscriptions, whether for entertainment, lifestyle, or productivity, the seemingly insignificant monthly fees mount up. These memberships are frequently automatically invoiced to our credit cards or bank accounts, making it easy to lose track of how much we spend regularly.

You must be proactive to reduce the cost impact of subscription services. You should undertake frequent audits of our subscriptions to identify and delete those we no longer require or utilize. Second, consider purchasing annual subscriptions rather than monthly ones, as they frequently include discounts. Finally, when signing up for new subscr


Little things usually snowball into many significant issues if not anticipated correctly. Analyze your habits and pattern to look for these problems. Unless you become conscious of your spending habits, you cannot change them. So do frequent audits of your spending behaviors and try to find its solution.

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