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Why XIRR is Crucial for Investment Success: A Comprehensive Guide

A successful investment demands being good with numbers as much as it mandates you to have patience and discipline.
Being good with numbers tells you whether an opportunity is investment-worthy or if you should wait for another prospect.
One crucial part of investing performance that you often forget is the XIRR function. The mathematical technique known as XIRR, or “extended internal rate of return,” aids investors in precisely gauging the profitability of their assets. We will go over the importance of XIRR for successful investing in this post, along with a detailed tutorial on how to use it.

What is XIRR?

A financial formula called XIRR determines the yearly rate of return for investment while accounting for the quantity and timing of cash flows. The performance of complicated assets, such as mutual funds or real estate holdings, where the investor gets recurring cash flows like dividends, capital gains, or rental income, is frequently measured using this method. You can also assess the returns on investments with erratic cash flows using the XIRR function.

Let’s say you invest 30,000 per annum into stock for 5- years and then in the 6th year sell it for 2lacs. What would be your rate of return or the value at which your money grew?
You can ask why I am talking about the growth rate. Well, we all do, isn’t it so?
We want our assets to grow at a profitable rate every year. As soon as we get high-interest rates from the banks, we rush to open a fixed deposit to capture better gains. Similarly, we eagerly wish for an annual increment after each financial year, as it would boost our income.
Therefore, understanding the annual growth rate is very important.
Returning to our example, say if you sell the asset for 2lacs after 6- years, what would be your annual growth rate?
If you check the xirr calculator on Google, it will be 9.74%.
It is the rate at which your investment grew annually, reaching the price of 2 lacs after 6- years.
The XIRR value is crucial to help you make a sound decision and create wealth for yourself. The higher the value, the more wealth.

Why is XIRR Important for Investment Success?

There are various reasons why XIRR is vital for investment success. First, XIRR allows investors to calculate the performance of their portfolio precisely. It considers the timing and amount of cash flows, which can significantly affect the overall returns of an investment. Without employing the XIRR function, investors may not know how their portfolio is.
Also, investors can compare the performance of various investments with various cash flows thanks to XIRR. For instance, an investment with a high rate of return may not be the right choice if it has unpredictable and inconsistent cash flows. Investors can evaluate investments side by side and make more educated selections about where to put their money by using the XIRR function.
Finally, XIRR aids investors in spotting potential problems with their holdings. Investors might look into the issue further if the XIRR calculation indicates that the portfolio is not performing as anticipated. Investors can look into the causes of a fall in return on investment. If necessary, take corrective action, for instance, if the XIRR calculation reveals that the returns on an investment are declining.

How To Use XIRR?

Although using the XIRR function is easy, it does require some familiarity with Excel or another spreadsheet program. The dates and sums of the cash flows are the two sorts of inputs needed by the XIRR function. Whether the cash flows represent cash inflows or outflows will determine whether they are positive or negative.

To use the XIRR function, follow these steps:
Step 1: Create a new Excel spreadsheet and enter the cash flows into two columns, one for the dates and one for the amounts.

Step 2: Enter the dates of the cash flows in chronological order in the first column. Ensure dates have a consistent format, such as “MM/DD/YYYY.”

Step 3: Enter the corresponding cash flows in the second column. Ensure that the cash flows are in a consistent currency format, such as “USD” or “EUR.”
Step 4: Click on an empty cell where you want to display the XIRR result.
Step 5: Type “=XIRR(” into the cell, followed by the range of cells containing the dates and amounts of the cash flows, separated by a comma. For example, if the dates are in cells A1:A10 and the amounts are in cells B1:B10, the formula would be “=XIRR(A1:A10,B1:B10)”.
Step 6: Press “Enter” to calculate the XIRR result.

Let's Calculate

Let us understand this with an example:

Say you come across a plan where you invest 1lac rupees per annum for 7 Years, and at the end of the 15th year, you receive 14,55,036.
For better understanding, I took this example from one of the actual plans labeled as a guaranteed investment plan.
You can see the table here.

Investment Plan

HDFC life investment plan
investment plan, money, growth

Step 1: Add the amount in negative as the money is moving out of your pocket alongside the date. Since it is an annual plan, I assume the date to be the 1st of April.

Step 2: Write the payment you will receive after the said duration. Here the bulk amount is earned after 15 years from the day the plan started.

Xirr calculator

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Step 3: Choose an empty cell of your choice and use the XIRR function, by writting =XIRR and then select the transactions. Put a comma (,) afterward and choose the dates in the same order. Press Enter, and you get your XIRR.

In this manner, you get the rate of return at which your money grows annually. Whether the amount is good or bad depends on the personal appetite of the investor.

Xirr calculator

The same approach applies when you invest in other assets over a long period. It is of little importance if the period between the two investments is equal or unequal. The XIRR function considers everything and provides an accurate picture of your growth.

XIRR allows investors to calculate the performance of their portfolio precisely. It considers the timing and amount of cash flows, which can significantly affect the overall returns of an investment. Without employing the XIRR function, investors may not know how their portfolio is.
Also, investors can compare the performance of various investments with various cash flows thanks to XIRR. For instance, an investment with a high rate of return may not be the right choice if it has unpredictable and inconsistent cash flows. Investors can evaluate investments side by side and make more educated selections about where to put their money by using the XIRR function.
Finally, XIRR aids investors in spotting potential problems with their holdings. Investors might look into the issue further if the XIRR calculation indicates that the portfolio is not performing as anticipated. Investors can look into the causes of a fall in return on investment. If necessary, take corrective action, for instance, if the XIRR calculation reveals that the returns on an investment are declining.


In conclusion, XIRR is an essential tool for successful investing. Investors can use it to determine their portfolio’s actual performance, evaluate the performance of various investments, and spot any problems that might exist. Investors can increase their chances of reaching their financial objectives by using XIRR to help them make more educated investment decisions.

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